聖誕節就快到來~:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*: )
MySkylines 精心準備了聖誕禮物要送給大家~
該怎麼得到禮物呢~~ 點進去就知道囉!
聖誕節就快到來~:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*: )
MySkylines 精心準備了聖誕禮物要送給大家~
該怎麼得到禮物呢~~ 點進去就知道囉!
Facebook Maneuvers To Keep Its Cachet
This article is by Jenna Worth man, Vindu Goel and Nicole Per loth.
When Evan Spiegel looked into the future for his company,
Snapchat, he did not see Facebook. He saw something else, something much bigger —
a social network that could exist on its own, outside Facebook.
Facebook is still the dominant social media service, and has been an attractive suitor for many start-ups.
Hi 嗨!
Hello/Hello there! 哈啰
Howdy! 你好!
Hey! 嘿!
Yo! (俚語)
How are you?/How’s it going?/How’s tricks? 你好嘛?
How’s it been? 近來好嗎?
How is everything?/ How’s everything? 一切都好嗎?
據報載,台灣的民航局已通過審查許可,准許復興航空(TransAsia Airways)籌設新的廉價航空公司。
媒體這麼記載:TransAsia Airways is the first Taiwanese carrier to set up a budget airline.
從這一句媒體報導中,我們可以看出「廉價航空公司」稱為budget airline。
新聞報導連狗狗吃的飼料也都有問題,真是太頭痛了 ><
A Healthy Diet for Your Dog
(Pet Food)Michelle and Dana are walking their dogs together.
從在媽媽肚子裡最發展的就是用耳朵聽媽媽的心跳,所以"聽" 對我們來說是最早自然接收訊息的,
妳是不是也有過這種經驗,背起來一首歌的歌詞比背課文還快 ^^ 這就是聽的魔法!
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Some words sound so similar, it's easy to confuse or misuse them when writing.
Computer spell check won't catch these mistakes!
affect / effect
Effect is usually a noun that means a result or the power to produce a result:
“The sound of the falling rain had a calming effect, nearly putting me to sleep.”
Affect is usually a verb that means to have an influence on: