Hi 嗨!
Hello/Hello there! 哈啰
Howdy! 你好!
Hey! 嘿!
Yo! (俚語)
- 2. 一般問候
How are you?/How’s it going?/How’s tricks? 你好嘛?
How’s it been? 近來好嗎?
How is everything?/ How’s everything? 一切都好嗎?
How have you been?/ How’ve you been?/ Howyou been? 你近來好嗎?(口語)
What have you been up to? 你近來過的如何?
Whats new? (口語) 有什麼新鮮事嗎?
Whats Up? 還好吧? (口語)
What’s happening?/ What’s going on? 還好吧?
- 3. 一天各個時段的問候
Good morning 早安
How are you this bright morning? 今天早上好嗎?
Good afternoon/ Afternoon 午安
Good evening/ Evening 晚安
- 4. 像久未謀面的朋友問候
I haven’t seen you in years! 好多年沒見到你了!
Long time no see! 好久不見!
I haven’t seen you in an age! 好久不見了!
I haven’t seen you in a month of Sundays! 幾百年沒見到你啦!
- 5. 表達很驚訝會遇到某人
What a surprise to meet you here! 竟然在這遇見你!
Imagine meeting you here!/ Fancy meetingyou here. 真沒想到竟然會在這裡遇見你!
Never thought I’d see you here! 沒想到會在這遇見你!
What are you doing in this neck of woods?/What are you doing in this part of town? 你怎麼會來這裡?
What are you doing out of the office? 你怎麼會在上班時間跑到這裡?
Where’ve you been hiding yourself? 你都躲到哪去啦?
What have you been up to? 你最近過的如何?
Shouldn’t you be in school? 你不是應該在學校嗎?
Shouldn’t you be at work? 你不是應該在上班嗎?
Have you been keeping busy?/ You beenkeeping busy? / Been Keeping busy? 你一直都很忙嗎?
Have you been keeping cool? 你一直都好嗎?
- 6. 問候完之後
We seem to keep running into each other. 我們似乎常常碰到
Haven’t we met before? 我們是不是以前見過?
We have to stop meeting like this. 我們會不會太長碰面了阿? (成語)
Didn’t we meet at that party last week? 我們上星期在派對見過吧?
I’ve been meaning to call you. 我一直想打電話給你.
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