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About GEPT   

The General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), developed and administered by the LTTC, targets English learners at all levels in Taiwan. This test corresponds to Taiwan's English education framework, meets the specific needs of English learners in Taiwan for self-assessment, and provides institutions or schools with a reference for evaluating the English proficiency levels of their job applicants, employees, or students. The GEPT promotes a balanced English learning process, covering the four language skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking with the goal of improving the general English proficiency level of Taiwanese learners. In 1997, the LTTC invited scholars and experts in English language teaching and testing from tertiary institutions around Taiwan to form a Testing Research Committee and a Testing Advisory Committee. In 1999, the project received support from the MOE, which recognized that the LTTC's work on the GEPT was in accord with its goal of promoting lifelong learning and encouraging the study of English. With the MOE's support, guidance from consultants and research committee members, and the administration of multiple pilot tests, the GEPT development project came to completion in July 2002. During the past decade, the GEPT reliably tested the English proficiency of 4 million examinees. It is not only administered at over 100 different venues in major cities of Taiwan, but also on the outlying islands of Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu, thus allowing test-takers to choose the most convenient test location for themselves. The GEPT has also generated positive washback effects on English learning and teaching in Taiwan and resulted in more emphasis on communication skills and the nurturing of speaking and listening skills. To further promote learners' writing ability, the LTTC launched the GEPT Outstanding Essay Award in 2009. A Collection of Winning Essays from 2009 has been published. The LTTC has also organized a series of teachers' workshops to assist teachers in gaining a better understanding of the GEPT, and to share with them tips for designing effective class activities. A website for English teachers that contains information on class activity design and test preparation was created in 2007. Additionally, featured speeches and workshops are held on a regular basis to inform teachers of the latest trends and issues in language teaching and testing so as to expand teachers' professional knowledge. Acknowledging the GEPT's excellent quality and service, more than 300 junior high schools or high schools, and hundreds of universities, private enterprises, and government agencies in Taiwan recognize GEPT scores.  

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Octopus snatches coconut and runs



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Every day at Studio Classroom we chat about one of the
teaching points featured in our daily lessons!

Today's topic: Beatlemania


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Every day at Studio Classroom we chat about one of the
teaching points featured in our daily lessons!

Today's topic: Different



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Every day at Studio Classroom we chat about one of the
teaching points featured in our daily lessons!

Today's topic: Pronouncing



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Every day at Studio Classroom we chat about one of the
teaching points featured in our daily lessons!

Today's topic: Out of Shape



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Every day at Studio Classroom we chat about one of the
teaching points featured in our daily lessons!

Today's topic: Who’s


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自由更新日期:2010/10/04 04:11

要形容與某人感情超好,如兄弟姊妹般,這幾年在台灣有了新說法:我們超麻吉!不過要注意,這句話的英文可不是媒體上常見的 We are very much!可見音譯在此處是行不通的。那麼英文該怎麼說呢?你可以說:We are real tight.(tight是「緊密的;親密的」),或是 We are very close.(close一樣也是「緊密的;親密的」之意)、They are bosom buddies.(他們是親密伙伴),這裡的bosom buddy (或bosom friend)是指「知心朋友」,並不是同性戀的意思喔!


A:John and Bill do everything together—it’s weird. Are they gay?

B:No, they’re just real tight!




大部分的英文都看得懂卻說不出口,快請 MySkylines 幫幫忙

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引用自: http://www.english.com.tw/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=8311&forum=35





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原文出處: http://video.chinatimes.com/video-bydate-cnt.aspx?cid=8&nid=31470


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