It’s long been a mystery as to why we evolved to spend a third of our day in suspended animation, especially when predators lurked while we snoozed. Scientists are starting to understand the function of sleep, and why it’s important for adults and cranky teenagers.
Research at the University of Rochester’s medical school suggests that sleep gives our brains time to clear out all the detritus that has built up over a day of thinking, Maria Konnikova reported in The Times. Maiken Nedergaard, the Danish biologist leading the research, thinks there is a network of channels that clears out toxins with watery cerebrospinal fluid.
“We thought this cleaning process would require tremendous energy,” Dr. Nedergaard told The Times. “And so we asked, maybe this is something we do when we’re sleeping, when the brain is really not processing information.”
Her team discovered just that in studies they conducted on mice. When mice are sleeping or under anesthesia, their brains are cleaning out waste.
The problem is most of our brains are not getting enough cleaning time. Most adults should sleep seven to nine hours. But most Americans are getting one to two hours less sleep a night than they did 50 to 100 years ago and 38 minutes less on weeknights than 10 years ago. Some 50 to 70 million in the United States suffer from a sleep disorder.
The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology has found that chronic sleep disruption damages neurons responsible for alertness and brain function, and a buildup of proteins linked to aging and neural degeneration.
“We’re really starting to realize that when we skip sleep, we may be doing irreparable damage to the brain,” Sigrid Veasey, who is leading the research, told The Times, “prematurely aging it or setting it up for heightened vulnerability to other insults.”
Researchers are finding links between insomnia and depression, which affects some 18 million Americans a year. Therapy to ease insomnia could double the effectiveness of depression treatment, scientists reported.
One way to improve sleep is to banish the gadgets from the bedroom, which is what the Times reporter Nick Bilton decided to do after he spent one too many nights checking his phone at 3 a.m.
Dr. David M. Claman, director of the Sleep Disorders Center at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, told The Times that smartphones in the bedroom have led to a rise in sleep-related complaints.
“If you wake up in the middle of the night and check your phone, you will inevitably get frustrated and worried by something you’ve seen, leading your body to tense up,” Dr. Claman said.
Sleep is especially important for children and teenagers, who spend even more time in the sleep cycles that are responsible for strengthening neural connections and forming memories.
Less sleep is linked to more accidents, moodiness and aggression and, possibly, attention deficit disorders. It may increase the risk of drug use, sports injuries and lower academic performance.
Jessica Lahey wrote on The Times’s Motherlode blog that she thinks sleep is the most important factor for her children to do well in school. “Given the choice between one more review session for that French test and a bedtime that will ensure those nine hours, I will always encourage them to choose sleep.”
教育專家潔西卡.萊海在紐時親子部落格「媽媽藏」中撰文指出,要讓孩子在校表現良好,她認為最重要的因素就是睡眠。她說:「如果讓他們選擇:再做一回法語測驗復習或上床以睡足九小時,我一定會鼓勵他們選擇上床。」 |
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