

As the Dalai
Lama once said, “If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can
do something about it, then there is no need to worry.  If it’s not
fixable, then there is no help in worrying.  There is no benefit in
worrying whatsoever.”


In other
words, worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its


proactive.  Stop simply worrying about…(


The challenges you face. (你所面臨的挑戰)

Challenges are not here to worry
about; they are here to help you grow.

Challenges are
what make life interesting, and overcoming them is what makes life

Less than ideal conditions you can’t control.(你無法控制的理想狀況)

There is no good reason to deny
yourself the opportunity to do something extraordinary.  Life is about
making a difference, and you will never run out of ways to do that.

The reasons it might not work.(可能會失敗的原因)

Your doubts are little enemies
living in your mind that make you lose battles you are capable of
winning.  They stir fear into your conscious and keep you wishing instead
of DOING.  In other words, they disrupt necessary action.

Everyone else’s dreams.(其他人的夢想)

Start worrying about your own
dreams.  They are unique and undeniably yours for a reason.  They are
showing you, and at the same time compelling you, to
make the most of
your life
.  It is not selfish to be your very best.  What’s selfish is to
let your enormous potential go unrealized.

Love that isn’t true.(愛是不存在的)

The true kind of love involves
attention, awareness, discipline, effort, and being able to truly care about
someone and sacrifice for them, continuously, in countless petty little unsexy
ways, every day.  You put your arms around them and love them regardless,
even when they’re not so lovable.  And of course they do the same for you.

Other people’s temper tantrums.(其他人的壞脾氣)

Losing your temper with people who
have already lost theirs does not accomplish anything, but only sets you out
upon a path of foolishness and frustration. When you maintain enough
self-control to stand firm at the moment when another person is in a temper
tantrum, you will win in the end. 

More and more work that ONLY makes money.(越來越多只會讓你得到錢的工作)

Forget about the easy street or
fast lane mentalities.  If you really want to
do something
wonderful with your life
, harness the power of the ideas and efforts that move
you.  Honor your instincts.  Trust your heart and true wealth will
come to you.



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