At a business conference
Cath: Hello, I’m Cath, Cath Jones. What’s your name?
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike, Mike Smith. How do you do?
Cath: How do you do? Mike, this is Richard Green. Richard is my business partner.
Mike: Hello, Richard, nice to meet you.
Richard: Hello, Mike, it’s a pleasure to meet you.And this is my colleague, Jane.
Jane: Hello, nice to meet you all.
Mike: Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
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At a business conference
Cath: Hello, I’m Cath, Cath Jones. What’s your name?
Mike: Hello, I’m Mike, Mike Smith. How do you do?
Cath: How do you do? Mike, this is Richard Green. Richard is my business partner.
Mike: Hello, Richard, nice to meet you.
Richard: Hello, Mike, it’s a pleasure to meet you.And this is my colleague, Jane.
Jane: Hello, nice to meet you all.
Mike: Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
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英高校學費猛漲三倍引發爭論本週,英國大學生在LSE抗議學費上漲英國政府今天(11月3日)宣布,從2012年起,英格蘭大學學費將從每年3290鎊上漲至最高9000鎊。消息一經宣布即引起英國各界廣泛關注。今天宣布的上漲學費決定間接回應了布朗勳爵早些時候提交的“高等教育評估報告”。這一學費上漲幅度是目前學費的接近三倍,政府同時承諾,貧困生則可以得到額外的支持。對於總收入低於25,000鎊的家庭,助學金將從每年的2900鎊上漲到3250鎊。英國大學部長威利茨(David Willetts)解釋說:“新的學費上限將設置兩個門檻。第一層級是以6000鎊/年為收費門檻的大學,另一層級的大學把9000鎊/年作為收費門檻。”他還表示,這一系統具體如何操作還沒有定論。但可以肯定的是,如果高收費大學無法履行相關規定則會被追討多額外收取的學費部分
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11/2 10pm後發的Mail皆為正式Mail,
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"Major earthquake strikes off Indonesia"
A major earthquake has struck off the coast of western Sumatra, Indonesian officials say.The 7.5 magnitude quake near the Mentawi Islands at a depth of 14km (8 miles) triggered a tsunami watch, but officials later gave the all clear.There have so far been no reports of damage or casualties.
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The Story of Halloween
Thousands of years ago, the Celts held a festival for the Lord of Death. Many monks believed that the Lord of Death ruled the world in winter. They believed that when the Lord of Death came, many evil spirits came with him too.
There were different kinds of evil spirits, such as goblins, ghosts, witches and vampires. The Celts did not like evil spirits. They made big fires to drive the evil spirits away.
It was thought that witches had magic power. It was also believed that witches liked to play tricks on people. Many children like to play tricks on people too. Today, children in America have a lot of fun dressing up in costumes and going “Trick or Treating.”
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The Story of Halloween
Thousands of years ago, the Celts held a festival for the Lord of Death. Many monks believed that the Lord of Death ruled the world in winter. They believed that when the Lord of Death came, many evil spirits came with him too.
There were different kinds of evil spirits, such as goblins, ghosts, witches and vampires. The Celts did not like evil spirits. They made big fires to drive the evil spirits away.
It was thought that witches had magic power. It was also believed that witches liked to play tricks on people. Many children like to play tricks on people too. Today, children in America have a lot of fun dressing up in costumes and going “Trick or Treating.”
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