For the last 130 years, if you wanted to call someone, you needed their phone number.
Not anymore! Now you can call or text anyone on your Facebook or LinkedIn social networks, and you don't need their phone number. Try SocialDial, a revolutionary new way to call people. What are you waiting for?
Start talking to your social network today!
- Call or text anyone you know on Facebook or LinkedIn.
- If they don't answer, leave a message on built-in Voice Mail.
- Even create group calls among your friends and connections.
- Perfect quality phone calls, way better than VoIP solutions.
SocialDial 問世,電話號碼成為歷史
三藩市2011年11月29日電 /美通社亞洲/ -- Bababoo, Inc. 今天宣佈推出 iPhone 和安卓 (Android) 的全新免費手機應用軟體 SocialDial,可以使用戶無需知道 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 上的好友電話號碼,便可向對方撥打電話或發送簡訊。用戶僅需一次登錄其 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 帳戶,SocialDial 便建立了包括所有好友及其聯繫方式在內的全新通訊錄。用戶只需觸摸其姓名,即可向其中任何人士撥打電話或發送簡訊。