
Mistakes You Should Avoid

 (文╱Robert TolmasoffBelow are some errors I
have seen recently. You can clean up your writing and speaking by avoiding some
of these common grammatical mistakes.

1. Repeat again.

Since the word, “repeat” means to say something again, adding “again”
after repeat is redundant. Adding again does not emphasize the statement; it
just makes the language sound sloppy.


2. Confusing “make sure” and “ensure”.

Writers and speakers often use the phrase “make sure” when they should be
using “ensure”. We should use “make sure” when we are talking about checking on
something or when giving instructions. For example, “Please make sure you send
the proposal today”. The term “ensure” on the other hand means to take an
action to make sure something happens. For example, you could say “We will hold
a new promotion to ensure we meet the sales target this quarter.”


3. Price up.

The expression “price up” and its cousin “cost down” are incorrect in
English. Instead use one of the following correct expressions.

Price increase

Increase the price 

Raise the price


4. Further grow.

Since grow means to become bigger or more than before, it is redundant to
use “further” in front of grow. Clean up your language by removing some of
these expressions that clutter our writing and speaking.


5. Schedule for vs. Schedule on.

These two expressions have very different meanings. Take a look at the
example below.

The meeting is scheduled for Monday.

The meeting was scheduled on Monday.

The first sentence expresses that the meeting will take place on Monday.
This is the correct use of the expression “scheduled for”. The second sentence
indicates the time at which the meeting was scheduled, not the time the meeting
will take place. In other words, the second sentence states that the plan for
the meeting was finalized on Monday, not that the meeting will take place on


Tolmasoff is a trainer, editor, and author based in Taipei. His clients include
international companies as well as individuals looking to sharpen their
communications skills. Robert’s last two books, 上班族完美英文e-mail輕鬆寫and
Essential Business English Terms
, are available in books stores and from
McGraw-Hill Taiwan. Have ideas for future columns or questions? Email Robert at

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