Capricorn 摩羯座
You need to keep up-to-date with the newest technology to communicate well in both the workplace and in your personal life.
Aquarius 水瓶座
Personal appearance and your general demeanor could be the key to renewed success in your career, so smarten up a bit! You shouldn’t be afraid to experiment with new things.
Pisces 雙魚座
Good things, as the saying goes, come to those who wait. Keep your composure and you will weather any storm. Networking could be handy.
Aries 牡羊座
Hard work may be mixed with travel, so get ready to be on the move. Get your thinking cap on, be wise and embrace any educational openings that may arise.
Taurus 金牛座
As an idealistic type, you could face difficulties maintaining your principles in a dog-eat-dog world, but stick to your guns!
Gemini 雙子座
Any debts you have or money you're owed will be cleared up with minimum fuss. If you're struck by any good business ideas, now might be a good time to court investors.
Cancer 巨蟹座
Interesting projects are on the horizon with a distinct possibility of new contracts - so mark sure you cultivate those connections.
Leo 獅子座
Your natural generosity could get you into trouble. Try reining in your spending and putting something aside for a rainy day.
Virgo 處女座
Collaboration is the key word here. Be forgiving and you may receive support from unexpected quarters.
Libra 天秤座
You have some big decisions to make. Ask yourelf whether you enjoy what you do. If the answer is no, it might be time to take a gamble.
Scorpio 天蠍座
It is perfectly fine to withdraw and have some time to yourself now and then. Just make sure you know who you can rely on when you do come out of your shell.
Be open to suggestions. Don’t just dismiss an idea because it comes from someone of whom you don’t usually think that highly.
迎接2011, Happy New Year