

Lunar New Year 農曆新年
Lunar New Year Festival 農曆春節
Chinese Spring Festival 中國春節
Chinese New Year  中國新年
New Year's Eve Dinner 年夜飯
Family reunion dinner 團圓飯
Around the fireplace = surrounding the stove 圍爐
Dragon and lion dance 舞龍舞獅
Red envelope(lucky red envelope) 紅包
Lucky money 壓歲錢
Bringing in the new year 守歲
Burn an incense stick 燒香
Burn incense and pray 燒香拜佛
Religious festival 拜拜
Ancestor 祖先
Worship ancestors 祭祖
Temple 寺廟
Ask the gods for a prophecy 求神問卜
Play mahjong 打麻將
Make a New Year’s visit = make a ceremonial call 拜年
Sweet glutinous rice pudding = nian gao 年糕
Spring couplets 春聯
= red Couplets
= New Year couplets
= red-paper couplets

Firecrackers 鞭炮
Set off firecrackers 放鞭炮
Taboo 禁忌
Fig 無花果
Peanut 花生
Chestnut 栗子
Walnut 核桃
Almond 杏仁
Raisin 葡萄乾
Pistachion 開心果
Brazil nut 巴西果
Cashew nuts 腰果
Preserved fruit 蜜餞





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