(文╱Robert Tolmasoff)When asked a question, it is important to clearly understand the question. If there is any doubt about the question, do not try to answer the question. Below are some options depending on the situation.
If you did not hear the question, ask the questioner to repeat the question. This may occur frequently during conference calls or web meetings.
-I’m sorry, could you please repeat the question? -I could not hear you. Could you say that again? -There was some noise in the background. Could you please repeat your question?
If you do not understand the question or if the question is vague, you can ask the questioner to clarify the question.
-Specifically what do you mean by [something]? -I’m not sure I understand the question. Could you give me some more information? -Could you provide some more specifics so I can answer your question better?
If someone asks a question that either you cannot or do not wish to answer, you can evade the question.
-That is not something I am able to talk about at this time. -It is our company policy not to comment about [something]. -I do not have that information with me right now. I will get back to you later.
The key here is to never attempt to answer a question we do not fully understand. Even though you may feel embarrassed to have to ask someone to clarify a question, it is much better to clarify the question than misunderstand the question and leave the questioner confused.