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中央社更新日期:2011/04/01 11:09


根據全球最大私人文教機構英孚(EF English First)昨天發布的調查報告,在44個非英語母語國家中,北歐諸國的英語能力最佳,俄羅斯土耳其與南美國家則落後。




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Four million children are wearing the wrong-size shoes, according to new research. Why?
It's a common part of childhood, the trip to the shoe shop and your feet being measured. But according to new research conducted by Clarks, there are still four million children in shoes that don't fit them.
Parents who squeeze their child's feet into the wrong-sized shoes could be condemning them to a lifetime of problems. From blisters, pressure sores and ingrowing toe nails in the short-term, to feet deformities like hammer toe and knee and posture problems in the long-term. The list goes on.

People need to take as much care of their children's feet as they do with their teeth, say podiatry professionals. If that's the case, why are so many children in shoes that don't fit?
Neglect, budget constraints, convenience and fashion are all to blame, says Dr Gordon Watt, lecturer in podiatry at Glasgow Caledonian University.
"People think of feet as smelly," he says. "They often just forget about them, when they should actually take much more of an interest."

Children's feet tend to grow rapidly in the first four years of their life, but it can take up to 18 years for the foot's bones, muscles and ligaments to harden into adult form. So teenage feet need to be looked after as well as those of smaller children.
According to the research, one in 10 parents say their children have continued to wear shoes that are too small for them. Half admit to only buying new shoes when their children complain their feet are hurting.
Podiatry experts say many people neglect their children's feet because they simply don't understand the problems an ill-fitting pair of shoes can cause. Only 40% of parents interviewed as part of the research took into account whether the shoes on their offspring's feet were well fitting and supportive.

False economy

Another issue is money. Two fifths of parents admitted to buying shoes that were too big so their children could grow into them over time, saving money. When it came to actually purchasing footwear, a quarter of parents said they based their decision on the cost.

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Time zones sometimes seem positively eccentric, affected as they are by
political, geographical and social changes in the real world.

But as irregular as they are, if you want to divide the world up into time
zones, you need a way to measure time.

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Time zones sometimes seem positively eccentric, affected as they are by
political, geographical and social changes in the real world.

But as irregular as they are, if you want to divide the world up into time
zones, you need a way to measure time.

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In Japan, rescue teams are continuing to search for the bodies of those
killed by the earthquake and tsunami.

Twelve days on, just over 9,000 people are now known to have died but more
than 13,000 others are still missing and nearly 270,000 people have lost their
homes or been forced out by contamination.

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In Japan, rescue teams are continuing to search for the bodies of those
killed by the earthquake and tsunami.

Twelve days on, just over 9,000 people are now known to have died but more
than 13,000 others are still missing and nearly 270,000 people have lost their
homes or been forced out by contamination.

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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said there is "no evidence" that the
Libyan government is meeting demands for an immediate ceasefire.

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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said there is "no evidence" that the
Libyan government is meeting demands for an immediate ceasefire.

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2010/12/08 18:07 影劇中心/綜合報導  

據了解,寇乃馨和黃國倫的婚期訂於12月19日,男的專心準備婚禮演唱會,女的則負責發帖邀請親朋好友,喜帖一共印了900份,才發現原本的「遇見天使和愛」,變成了「Meet the 『Angle』& Love」。




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CIO update: Post-mortem on the Skype outage:
As a follow-up to last week’s outage, here is a detailed explanation of what transpired, the root cause, and plans to mitigate this from happening again in the future. For starters, it helps to understand that Skype is based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, which is explained here. Last week, the P2P network became unstable and suffered a critical failure. The failure lasted approximately 24 hours from December 22, 0800 PST/1600 GMT to December 23, 0800 PST/1600 GMT.

What was the cause for the failure?
On Wednesday, December 22, a cluster of support servers responsible for offline instant messaging became overloaded. As a result of this overload, some Skype clients received delayed responses from the overloaded servers. In a version of the Skype for Windows client (version 5.0.0152), the delayed responses from the overloaded servers were not properly processed, causing Windows clients running the affected version to crash.

Users running either the latest Skype for Windows (version, older versions of Skype for Windows (4.0 versions), Skype for Mac, Skype for iPhone, Skype on your TV, and Skype Connect or Skype Manager for enterprises were not affected by this initial problem.

MySkylines 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

CIO update: Post-mortem on the Skype outage:
As a follow-up to last week’s outage, here is a detailed explanation of what transpired, the root cause, and plans to mitigate this from happening again in the future. For starters, it helps to understand that Skype is based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, which is explained here. Last week, the P2P network became unstable and suffered a critical failure. The failure lasted approximately 24 hours from December 22, 0800 PST/1600 GMT to December 23, 0800 PST/1600 GMT.

What was the cause for the failure?
On Wednesday, December 22, a cluster of support servers responsible for offline instant messaging became overloaded. As a result of this overload, some Skype clients received delayed responses from the overloaded servers. In a version of the Skype for Windows client (version 5.0.0152), the delayed responses from the overloaded servers were not properly processed, causing Windows clients running the affected version to crash.

Users running either the latest Skype for Windows (version, older versions of Skype for Windows (4.0 versions), Skype for Mac, Skype for iPhone, Skype on your TV, and Skype Connect or Skype Manager for enterprises were not affected by this initial problem.

MySkylines 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The "chupacabra" is back.

A Kentucky man claims he shot and killed a hairless creature that resembles others seen in Texas and other states.

Mark Cothren said he spotted the animal on his lawn.

It reportedly had large ears, whiskers and a long tail. It was about the size of a house cat.

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The "chupacabra" is back.

A Kentucky man claims he shot and killed a hairless creature that resembles others seen in Texas and other states.

Mark Cothren said he spotted the animal on his lawn.

It reportedly had large ears, whiskers and a long tail. It was about the size of a house cat.

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I’m sure by now many of you have heard about the downtime which has affected Skype around the world. Our priority has been to stabilise the problem, and then to begin to restore access to Skype functionality.

It’s taken some time to do, but we’re making steady progress. To put things in perspective, there are now around 16.5 million people online on Skype around the world. This is about 80% of what we’d normally expect to see at this time of day.

We’ve stabilised Skype’s core functionality – IM, audio and video – but it will take longer for us to restore offline IM and group video calling. It’s been a tough 24 hours for many of you – and I’d like to thank you for your patience as we bring Skype back to normal.

I realise that it’s difficult to compensate you for not being able to talk to or see your friends, family or colleagues, but we’re planning to offer Skype Credit vouchers to all of our loyal paying customers to thank you for your continued support.

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We don't normally cover the "business crime" beat, but there's a pretty interesting gadget angle here. As part of a larger crack down on insider trading, three technology executives and a "salesman for an 'expert network'" have been arrested for leaking confidential tips to hedge funds. What sort of secrets, you ask? A certain executive for Flextronics, Walter Shimoon, happened to pass on information concerning an iPhone update and the iPad well before they became official (Flextronics supplied Apple parts). "At Apple you can get fired for saying K48 ... outside of a, you know, outside of a meeting that doesn't have K48 people in it. That's how crazy they are about it," he said during an October 2009 phone call intercepted by authorities, where K48 was the codename for the iPad, which didn't see the light of day until 2010 (we're assuming here that's not all he said). The others arrested hail from AMD (leaking financial details) and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, and a fifth person already pled guilty (a former Dell global supply manager). Remember, kids, crime doesn't pay.

Sourse Reuters

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Wikileaks began on Sunday November 28th publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into US Government foreign activities.

The cables, which date from 1966 up until the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

The embassy cables will be released in stages over the next few months. The subject matter of these cables is of such importance, and the geographical spread so broad, that to do otherwise would not do this material justice.

The cables show the extent of US spying on its allies and the UN; turning a blind eye to corruption and human rights abuse in "client states"; backroom deals with supposedly neutral countries; lobbying for US corporations; and the measures US diplomats take to advance those who have access to them.

This document release reveals the contradictions between the US’s public persona and what it says behind closed doors – and shows that if citizens in a democracy want their governments to reflect their wishes, they should ask to see what’s going on behind the scenes.

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On Sunday 28th Novembre 2010, Wikileaks began publishing 251,287 leaked United States embassy cables, the largest set of confidential documents ever to be released into the public domain. The documents will give people around the world an unprecedented insight into the US Government's foreign activities.
The cables, which date from 1966 to the end of February this year, contain confidential communications between 274 embassies in countries throughout the world and the State Department in Washington DC. 15,652 of the cables are classified Secret.

The publication of confidential US diplomatic cables by Wikileaks has been criticised by governments including Britain, America and Pakistan.
Suspicion about the leaks has fallen on one man - US Army Private Bradley Manning.
Currently, he is in military custody over the leaking of material from Iraq and Afghanistan

At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a 'SIGACT' or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.

The reports detail 109,032 deaths in Iraq, comprised of 66,081 'civilians'; 23,984 'enemy' (those labeled as insurgents); 15,196 'host nation' (Iraqi government forces) and 3,771 'friendly' (coalition forces). The majority of the deaths (66,000, over 60%) of these are civilian deaths.That is 31 civilians dying every day during the six year period. For comparison, the 'Afghan War Diaries', previously released by WikiLeaks, covering the same period, detail the deaths of some 20,000 people. Iraq during the same period, was five times as lethal with equivalent population size.

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中華民國(台灣)Republic of China (Taiwan)
傳下去 讓國際奧會聽見台灣的聲音 「廣州亞運楊淑君事件 各界批中國辦亞運讓跆拳道蒙羞」 Passes around lets the (International Olympic Committee) hear Taiwan's sound “Guangzhou Asian Olympic Games Yang Shujun event batch of China from all walks of life to hold Asian Olympic Games to let the Tae Kwon Do be shamed” 我們要將這個抗議傳到全世界,讓國際奧會,矚目關心到我們國家受到不平等的對待,我們要嚴正抗議!!! We would forward the protest to the world,lets the IOC (International Olympic Committee) noticed that our country receives the equality of treatment, we must protest gravely. Taiwan's government has threatened legal action after one of its taekwondo athletes was disqualified at the Asian Games in China. Olympic bronze medallist Yang Shu-chun was leading during a match in the women's 49 kilogram division on Tuesday when it was halted due to claims she had used extra electronic sensors in her socks. Taiwan's minister of sports affairs, Tai Hsia-ling, told reporters in Guangzhou that the island would take the case to the International Court of Justice unless it received "a reasonable answer" from the Asian Taekwondo Union, the Tapei-based Central News Agency reported. CNA said that Taiwan's Premier Wu Den-yih asked Tai's office to question the fairness of the ruling. The chief judge carefully examined all the equipment on my body and did not raise any questions--Yang Shu-chun Yang, who led Vietnamese opponent Vu Thi Hau 9-0 when the match was halted, was left in tears after the decision and a subsequent appeal to World Taekwondo Federation was rejected, the Taipei Times reported. "This was an extremely unfair decision. I don't know what was wrong. All of my electronic protective equipment followed official specifications," she said on Wednesday. "I brought two pairs of WTF-certified socks with me. The Chinese examiner asked me to scrap the first pair, but the second pair passed the examination. "Before the start of [yesterday's] bout, the chief judge carefully examined all the equipment on my body and did not raise any questions." Coach Liu Yung-lung said: "Even though the model was different, the judge did not find fault with it before the bout. If the judge had brought up the problem at the start, Yang Shu-chun could have changed her socks. "This was negligence on the part of the organizers. Individual athletes should not have to pay for the authorities' problems." 即日開始請各位網友 留言請利用英文發表可附加中文謝謝各位替淑君爭一口氣、台灣要站起來 ⋯⋯把這個事情傳到國際and國際奧會盼國際能為台灣發聲希望國際能夠為公平公正的運動員殿堂上站出來我們要的是公平公正!!!!!! 我們一起發起一人留言傳到國際奧會!!!!!!!!!! 雖然機會渺茫但是 只要有心 就有機會大家不要放棄 繼續打英文及中文的留言讓全世界都看到!!!! 台灣人 站出來吧!!!!!!!! 請各位網友將這個活動 分享給您身邊的朋友一同參加以利宣示表達我們台灣人不能忍 我們要站起來我們要為淑君 向中國及韓國討公道 現在我們的目的 要把這個活動 宣傳到全世界一定要完成 跨國界之抗議的行動!!!!!! 我們強調!!! 運動競技殿堂上 應該要有 公平、公正的光明正大比賽 我們要以抗議宣示表達將這次的爭議 做個表達不滿!!! 希望大家可以將這個活動推薦給您身邊的朋友把這個活動傳出去 我們可以的我們是台灣人我們要將這個事情讓國際奧會都知道也要把這個事情傳到歐洲、亞洲、非洲、美洲、大洋洲 用力的傳出去各位網友 台灣不能被恥辱了我們要站起來台灣選手要站起來 拜託各位網友 一定要參與本次活動!!! 萬分感謝 ..

來源 : 曾偉

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中華民國(台灣)Republic of China (Taiwan)
傳下去 讓國際奧會聽見台灣的聲音 「廣州亞運楊淑君事件 各界批中國辦亞運讓跆拳道蒙羞」 Passes around lets the (International Olympic Committee) hear Taiwan's sound “Guangzhou Asian Olympic Games Yang Shujun event batch of China from all walks of life to hold Asian Olympic Games to let the Tae Kwon Do be shamed” 我們要將這個抗議傳到全世界,讓國際奧會,矚目關心到我們國家受到不平等的對待,我們要嚴正抗議!!! We would forward the protest to the world,lets the IOC (International Olympic Committee) noticed that our country receives the equality of treatment, we must protest gravely. Taiwan's government has threatened legal action after one of its taekwondo athletes was disqualified at the Asian Games in China. Olympic bronze medallist Yang Shu-chun was leading during a match in the women's 49 kilogram division on Tuesday when it was halted due to claims she had used extra electronic sensors in her socks. Taiwan's minister of sports affairs, Tai Hsia-ling, told reporters in Guangzhou that the island would take the case to the International Court of Justice unless it received "a reasonable answer" from the Asian Taekwondo Union, the Tapei-based Central News Agency reported. CNA said that Taiwan's Premier Wu Den-yih asked Tai's office to question the fairness of the ruling. The chief judge carefully examined all the equipment on my body and did not raise any questions--Yang Shu-chun Yang, who led Vietnamese opponent Vu Thi Hau 9-0 when the match was halted, was left in tears after the decision and a subsequent appeal to World Taekwondo Federation was rejected, the Taipei Times reported. "This was an extremely unfair decision. I don't know what was wrong. All of my electronic protective equipment followed official specifications," she said on Wednesday. "I brought two pairs of WTF-certified socks with me. The Chinese examiner asked me to scrap the first pair, but the second pair passed the examination. "Before the start of [yesterday's] bout, the chief judge carefully examined all the equipment on my body and did not raise any questions." Coach Liu Yung-lung said: "Even though the model was different, the judge did not find fault with it before the bout. If the judge had brought up the problem at the start, Yang Shu-chun could have changed her socks. "This was negligence on the part of the organizers. Individual athletes should not have to pay for the authorities' problems." 即日開始請各位網友 留言請利用英文發表可附加中文謝謝各位替淑君爭一口氣、台灣要站起來 ⋯⋯把這個事情傳到國際and國際奧會盼國際能為台灣發聲希望國際能夠為公平公正的運動員殿堂上站出來我們要的是公平公正!!!!!! 我們一起發起一人留言傳到國際奧會!!!!!!!!!! 雖然機會渺茫但是 只要有心 就有機會大家不要放棄 繼續打英文及中文的留言讓全世界都看到!!!! 台灣人 站出來吧!!!!!!!! 請各位網友將這個活動 分享給您身邊的朋友一同參加以利宣示表達我們台灣人不能忍 我們要站起來我們要為淑君 向中國及韓國討公道 現在我們的目的 要把這個活動 宣傳到全世界一定要完成 跨國界之抗議的行動!!!!!! 我們強調!!! 運動競技殿堂上 應該要有 公平、公正的光明正大比賽 我們要以抗議宣示表達將這次的爭議 做個表達不滿!!! 希望大家可以將這個活動推薦給您身邊的朋友把這個活動傳出去 我們可以的我們是台灣人我們要將這個事情讓國際奧會都知道也要把這個事情傳到歐洲、亞洲、非洲、美洲、大洋洲 用力的傳出去各位網友 台灣不能被恥辱了我們要站起來台灣選手要站起來 拜託各位網友 一定要參與本次活動!!! 萬分感謝 ..

來源 : 曾偉


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The G20 group comprises the world's 19 leading national economies, plus the European Union. It was formed in 1999, and held its first meeting that year.
Until 2008 the G20 was overshadowed by the smaller G8 grouping of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US, Canada and Russia.However, this has changed since the global financial crisis of 2008, and the G20 has effectively now replaced the G8 as the main global economic forum.The major growth in the economies of G20 members China, India and Brazil has also contributed to the rising importance of the grouping.The G20 currently meets twice a year, but this is set to reduce to one meeting from 2011.

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