
Giving a presentation in a second language can be a daunting task

and it is also one of the most frequent topics for training courses.

Below are a few things presenters can do to help sharpen their language during a presentation.

Sometimes, the little changes result in big improvements.

1.  Be concise.

Tell your story or idea using precise and direct language.

Audiences have limited attention spans, and that means presenters have just a few minutes

to make your point. Avoid any unnecessary language, such as some of the phrases below.

As you know-If the audience already knows it, why say it again? 

Essentially this is a junk phrase. Eliminate this, and your message will be more direct.

X As you know sales increased 23% after the ad campaign.

O Sales increased 23% after the ad campaign.

As you can see from the chart…Yes, the audience is looking at the chart, however,

simply state what the audience sees, and drop this junk phrase from presentations.

X As you can see from the chart, sales increased 37% after the ad campaign.

O Sales increased 37% after the ad campaign.

2.  Keep your message positive.

Previous columns have discussed the importance of

keeping your message positive, and this is especially true in a presentation. 

A basic rule here, don’t say what you can’t do or didn’t do; say what you can do or did do.

See the examples below.

X  We cannot launch the product until May.

O We will launch the product in May.

X  The product will not ship until November.

O The product will ship in November.

These are subtle changes that can have a big impact on how your audience views you as a presenter.
Examine the language you use in a presentation, or any speaking or writing situation,
and ask yourself if you can say it more precisely or directly. Often, the answer is yes,
and your audience, readers, or listeners, will thank you.

文章來源: 動腦雜誌


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