103 學年度大學學測結束,將於2/13寄送成績單,考生們都辛苦囉!
Organic vegetable 有機蔬菜
Give up high paying job 放棄高薪工作
Effort 努力
Successful 成功
Determination 決心
Make (more) money 獲利
Live/lead a healthy life 過著健康的生活
Smart phone addicts 手機上癮者/低頭族
Phubber/phubbing (phone+subbing)冷漠
Macquarie Dictionary 澳洲
Bump into a tree撞上樹
Listen to music/MP3 while walking 邊走邊聽音樂/MP3
Swipe the screen/phone 滑手機
Honk/sound the horn 鳴喇叭
A car horn 汽車喇叭
bare the feet/ barefoot 赤腳
the minimum charge/consumption 最低消費
The book fair 書展
Took a deep breath深呼吸
Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) 旅遊警示
Syria 敘利亞
The baby Panda Yuan Zai 小熊貓圓仔
A massive open online course 網路線上課程
Driver assistance technologies汽車輔助駕駛
Obama care 歐巴馬
Divided attention 分散注意力
Infrastructure 基礎設施
Toni Morrison 托妮·莫里森
World literatures in English 世界英文文學