1. 超級市場
a. 在超級市場裡面找東西
Where will I find the ketchup? 番茄醬放在哪裡?
Do you carry diet root beer? 你們有賣低卡沙士嗎?
What aisle is the canned salmon in? 冷凍食品在哪一個走道?
Can you tell me where I can find chocolate milk? 你可以告訴我巧克力牛奶放在哪裡嗎?
b. 雜貨店缺貨
I am afraid we’re out of that item 那東西恐怕已經賣光了
I am afraid we don’t carry that 我們應該沒有賣那個
Would you like a rain check? 你願意接受特價憑證嗎?
c. 詢問特價與折價券
Any coupons?/ Do you have any coupons? 有折價券嗎?
Hasn’t this coupon expired 這家折價券不是已經過期了嗎?
The sale doesn’t start until tomorrow 特價明天開始
I have some coupons/ I have coupons/ Here are my coupons 我有幾張折價券
Do you take food stamps? 你們接受食物券嗎?
2. 速食
a. 在速食餐廳點餐
(Give me) a burger and fries 給我一份漢堡和薯條
*give me 可以替換成I’d like, I’ll take, I ‘ll have, please give me
(Give me) an order of fries 給我一份薯條
b. 速食餐廳店員推薦餐點
What would you like on your hot dog? 您的熱夠要加甚麼?
Do you want that with everything? 所有配料您都要加嗎?
Can I get you something to drink with that? 要不要點杯飲料?
What do you want to drink? 您要喝點甚麼?
Will that be a large soft drink? 您要點的事大杯飲料是嗎?
Would you like some salt and pepper? 需要鹽和胡椒嗎?
The mustard and ketchup are over there 芥末醬和番茄醬在那邊
3. 咖啡廳與三明治店
a. 在咖啡廳點餐
I’ ll have a burger with everything 我要一客漢堡所有配料都要加
I ‘ll have the roast beef special 我要一客烤牛肉特餐
What about a small sub? 來分小號的潛艇堡吧
A large bowl of chili, please 我要一碗大碗的墨西哥辣豆湯
Do you have any vegetable soup? 你們有洋蔥湯嗎?
What about liver and onions? 來課洋蔥燉牛肝如何?
4. 餐廳
a. 在餐廳要求座位
A table for one 一個人
A table for two/ Two, please 兩個人
I would like a nonsmoking table for two 兩個人,非吸菸區
b. 餐廳座位
Would you like smoking or nonsmoking? 請問您要坐在吸菸區還是非吸菸區?
Do you have a reservation? 請問有訂位嗎?
We’ll have a table ready in just a few minutes/ It’ ll be a just a few minutes 您的桌子在幾分鐘就好了
We have a table ready for Smith, party of four 史密斯先生四個人的桌子準備好了
Your waiter will be Alferdo 今晚由阿佛多為您服務
c. 解釋待會還有朋友會加入
Another party will be sitting here 這座位待會有人坐
We are waiting for another couple 我們還在等另一對朋友
My friend will be along shortly 我朋友馬上就到
I am expecting someone else 我還在等人
d. 詢問菜單上的菜
What are the specials?/ What is the special of the day? 今日特餐是甚麼?
Do you have any specials? 今天有甚麼特別的嗎?
What would you suggest? 你有何建議?
Do you have any recommendations? 可以為我們推薦一下嗎?
What does that come with? 附餐是甚麼 ?
What kind of dressing do you have? 你們有甚麼沙拉醬嗎?
Whats the soup of the day? 今日濃湯是甚麼?
e. 在餐廳提及自己對某樣食物過敏
I’d like that without MSG, please/ No MSG, please 麻煩不要加味精
Dose this contain MSG? 裡頭有加味精嗎?
I cannot tolerate nuts. I am allergic 不要加堅果,我會過敏
I am allergic to dairy products 我對奶製品過敏
I am allergic to wheat 我對麥類食物過敏
f. 在餐廳指名牛排熟度
I’ like my steak well-done 我的牛排要全熟
I’d like my steak rare 我的牛排要三分熟
I’ d like my steak medium-well 我的牛排要七分熟
I want the steak thoroughly cooked 我的牛排要全熟
g. 在餐廳要求買單
Could I have the bill?/ Could I have the check? / we’d like the bill, please 麻煩給我帳單
Separate checks, please 麻煩帳單分開
Do I pay you or the cashier? 付給你還是到櫃檯付?
Can I have a receipt, please? 可以給我收據嗎?
All together 全部一起算
5. 酒吧
a. 要求一杯或一瓶啤酒
I’ll have a beer 我要啤酒
I’kk have a bud 我要百威啤酒
I’ll have a draft 我要生啤酒
Make it a cold one 來杯冰啤酒
Pour me a beer 給我到杯皮酒吧
b. 向酒保點飲料
I’d like coffee 我要咖啡
I’d like coffee with cream 我要咖啡加奶精
I’d like coffee with sugar 我要咖啡加糖
I’d like a pitcher of beer 我要一壺啤酒
I’d like a domestic beer 我要一杯國產啤酒
I’d like a scotch on the rocks 我要一杯加冰塊的蘇格蘭威士忌
I’d like a whiskey with soda我要一杯威士忌加蘇打
c. 對酒保的特殊要求
Make it dry 來杯澀一點的酒
Hold the cherry 不要放櫻桃
Give me another 再來一杯
Two olives, please 麻煩加兩顆橄欖
d. 鼓吹他人喝酒
That’ll put hair on your chest 這會讓你胸前長毛
Let’s tie one on 咱們來大醉一場吧
That’ll knock your socks off 這會震掉你的襪子
Lets get down to some serious drinking 咱們就來個不醉不歸
Party down 來狂歡一場吧
- Dec 10 Tue 2013 10:10